16 August 2010

Going to Illinois Soon!

It is almost time for me to escape the sweltering Southern sun for a summer with lightning bugs, a sky brimming with stars, and gardens full of deliciousness.  Every year we go up to visit relatives in time to enjoy the annual county fair -- on the same fairgrounds since 1888.

In honor of the impending trip, here are some of my favorite photos over the years.

Candy Kitchen, Greenup, IL

4H fowl judging

Thoroughbred racing

Canned goods

Harness racing

Moonshine, Illinois

Will Rogers Theater in Charleston, Illinois

Yoyo ride, Cumberland County Fair

If you want to see more from our trips to Illinois, check out A Week In Rural Illinois.


  1. i just sort of have that "ahhh" feeling when i get into the rolling cornfields, and bean fields, and giant skies.

  2. i just sort of have that "ahhh" feeling when i get into the rolling cornfields, and bean fields, and giant skies.


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